Saturday, 12 October 2019

3 Types of Lifting and their Differences


The formula to stop time has not yet been discovered, but we have managed to reduce its effects on our body. We can heed various tips for wrinkles, but to end the problem directly the most effective is the facelift.

What is a face lift? This is the surgical technique that manages to rejuvenate the face, one of the parts of our anatomy that suffers more precisely over the years. Depending on the area of our face (including the neck) that we want to reaffirm one or another kind of intervention will be more appropriate, explains plastic surgeon in Delhi.

Here we explain what are the three types of lifting that you have at your disposal. Which one do you need?

How many lifting classes are there? We start with the front facelift, for the upper part of the face

The frontal facelift is the intervention that acts on the upper part of the face: it produces a stretch of the skin of the forehead, eliminating wrinkles, including those between the eyebrows. With this technique it is also possible to correct the fall of the eyebrows, which often push the upper eyelid and strip it firmly. To perform this facelift, the most common is to make several incisions by cosmetic surgeon in Delhi whose mark is not seen, since they are made at the birth of the hair and are hidden by it.

What types of face lift act on the 'crow's feet? Temporary lifting

Of the three types of lifting that exist, the temporary one is the one that acts more specifically in the lateral areas of the forehead and, therefore, minimizes the 'crow's feet'. In practice, a stretch is made of the lateral areas of the forehead, raising the eyebrow's tail and allowing the eyelash to shine again in all its splendor. To achieve this, the mark of the temporary facelift is as discreet as in the frontal facelift, since the incision is made at the birth of the hair, although this time in the area of ​​the ears.

More facial lifting classes: cervical facelift, for the lower part of the face

With the cervical facelift, the areas to be remodeled are the neck and two thirds of the face : the lower and middle, to the temple (although there is an exclusive treatment for peribuccal wrinkles, the Dermofine). The technique is again the stretching of the skin, which causes the neck to rise. This intervention corrects the laxity of the skin in this area, in addition to performing a small liposuction to eliminate fat. The incisions occur behind the ears, so the marks are not visible to the naked eye.

With regard to plastic surgery in Delhi, these three types of lifting are performed under local anesthesia and sedation, and require hospitalization the first night. Consult plastic surgeon in Pitampura directly to know more details about the preoperative, postoperative and other considerations depending on each type of face. We solve your doubts!

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Liposuction in Delhi


What is liposuction?
Liposuction in Delhi is a highly demanded and frequent intervention in our country. It is based on the treatment of localized fat accumulations and not provided with the rest of our body, which are usually persistent despite exercise or diet.

How is the liposculpture operation performed?
It is carried out by means of a negative aspiration of said fatty accumulations associating the current technology and techniques, in constant evolution, to optimize the surgical time and the recovery of the patient, such as laser or lipolaser assisted liposuction, vibroliposuction, lipovaser or ultrasonic liposuction, etc.

Plastic surgeon in Delhi usually uses tumescent liposuction limited to the areas that really need it and that cause discomfort in the person, due to the lack of harmony of their figure. Minimizing in this way the surgical aggression and facilitating a rapid recovery of the patient with a quick return to their daily work.

Since the liposuction or liposculpture that cosmetic surgeon in Delhi practices at Tandon Clinic is in accordance with our philosophy of performing minimally invasive treatments and that achieve natural results, based on a complicity created with the patient during preoperative visits, and adapting the expectations of the results to their wishes.

This satisfaction with the results is based on a correct selection of the patient, being very effective and satisfactory in patients with an adequate weight, but with the aforementioned located fatty accumulations. Homogenizing all body areas and getting rid of those rebel areas to exercise or diet.

What type of anesthesia is used in a liposuction?
To perform liposuction in Delhi we usually practice a general anesthesia, prior to preoperative study, since it usually lasts between two and three hours and we believe that we improve the tranquility and comfort of both the patient and the surgical team.

The volume extraction that cosmetic surgeon in Pitampura usually practice is between 1 and 3 liters of fat from different areas, the most common being the abdomen, the flanks and the gluteal frame, where we include the holsters or trochanters, the crural area or inner thigh and the subglute.

Although in cases with great accumulation we are more extensive, adapting then the pre and postoperative management of the patient. Finally, we place a compression belt to minimize the risk of accumulation and improve skin retraction after fatty emptying and patient comfort, which should be maintained during the first month.

How is the procedure and recovery of liposculpture?
As a general rule, the procedure is outpatient (Day Hospital) and after a few hours of observation, the patient can return home with the appropriate indications and accompanied by a responsible adult for the first 24 hours that the plastic surgeon in Pitampura can be contacted at any time if necessary.

In cases of areas with excessive sagging we complement our liposuction in Rohini with a laser-assisted technique that helps us to further optimize patient outcomes and satisfaction.

How long does liposuction recovery last?
The recovery of liposuction is usually rapid, with the patient entering a normal sedentary life within 3-4 days of the intervention, not being advised to perform sports activities during the first postoperative month.

This intervention can be done throughout the year, although in summer it is important to avoid sun exposure. Since otherwise it could cause permanent skin pigmentation.

When do you see the results of the operation?
The change is visible from the first day, but it will evolve during the first months, so the assessment of the result is from the third month, although plastic surgeon in Delhi controls the patient during the first year for better care and quality.

The results are permanent, since the treated areas behave in the same way as those untreated in the face of weight changes, being generally a homogeneous gain or loss, maintaining the established body shape. So it is one of the most performed and satisfactory treatments of Plastic Surgery in Delhi.