Saturday, 25 January 2020

Abdominoplasty Surgery


The abdominoplasty surgery or popularly known as tummy tuck in Delhi is the skin and fat removal procedure from the abdomen. There are many factors that contribute to the change in the shape of the abdomen among them:
  • Genetics
  • Large variations in weight
  • Pregnancy in the case of women
The abdominal wall formed by muscles, fascias, fatty tissue and skin end up "relaxing" and take on a disharmonious shape in relation to the rest of the body.

The plastic surgery called classic abdominoplasty or dermolipectomy, is one of the most performed in plastic surgery in Delhi, it consists of correcting the flaccidity of the entire abdominal wall through the plication (embryos with stitches) of the musculature and removal of a skin spindle and fatty tissue in the region. lower abdomen, explains the plastic surgeon in Delhi.

The resulting scar is a horizontal line below the waistline and around the navel. The aim is to “take advantage” of the scar from the previous cesarean if present. In some cases, a small vertical scar on the midline associated with the horizontal one is necessary.

Classic abdominoplasty in Delhi is performed in the operating room under general or epidural anesthesia and lasts around 2 to 3 hours. Hospital discharge is the day after surgery.

Variations of classic abdominoplasty:
  • Lipo abdominoplasty
Lipo Abdominoplasty or popularly know as liposuction in Delhi is a technique in which liposuction of the entire abdomen is performed before muscle plication and skin spindle removal. The resulting scars are similar to those of classic abdominoplasty;
  • Mini abdominoplasty
Mini abdominoplasty is a technique that corrects the flaccidity of abdominal muscles just below the navel and in which a smaller skin spindle is removed than in classic abdominoplasty. The resulting scar is a horizontal line below the waistline.

Frequently asked questions about abdominoplasty surgery:

How much weight will I lose with the surgery?
It depends on the amount of skin and fat removed (skin spindle or liposuction). The biggest change is visual, that is, the body contour and not the scale.

How long will I see the result?
The contour change is immediate, but the final result can only be seen after at least 3 months. The main reason for this period is that the lymphatic drainage is compromised by surgical manipulation and, thus, there is an accumulation of fluid that changes the shape of the abdomen. The lower region of the abdomen, that is, close to the scar is the one that remains swollen the longest. Lymphatic drainage performed by an experienced cosmetic surgeon in Delhi can shorten the recovery period.

Will I lose the result if I get pregnant?
As long as the patient becomes pregnant within a minimum of 2 years after surgery, the result can be kept very close to that obtained if some precautions are taken during pregnancy, such as not gaining excess weight (> 13 kg) and maintaining some regular physical activity (water aerobics, walking), suggests the plastic surgeon in Delhi.

Do I have to keep a drain?
With some exceptions, we use the drain in Classic Abdominoplasties and Lipo-abdominoplasties due to the accumulation of fluid under the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The drain remains for 7 to 10 days depending on the amount of liquid drained. Patients have no pain on withdrawal.

Friday, 17 January 2020

Rhinoplasty - Beyond Aesthetic

Rhinoplasty in Delhi is among the TOP 3 of the most popular plastic surgeries for men and women. But, contrary to what many people think, this surgery goes beyond the aesthetic correction of the nose. There are several functional complaints, related to respiratory quality, which can be resolved by rhinoplasty.

Aesthetic indications
The main aesthetic indications treated in Rhinoplasty are:
  • The bones of the nose (treatment of bony hump);
  • Nasal back;
  • The nasal tip;
  • Bone nasal base;
  • The nasal wings.
Functional indications
It is possible to associate aesthetic rhinoplasty to the correction of problems such as:
  • Deviated septum;
  • Internal obstructions and asymmetries;
  • turbinate hypertrophy;
  • Among others.
But, After All, Will the New Nose Be Harmonious With The Rest Of The Face?
The main reason that prevents many people from having a rhinoplasty in Delhi is the fear of the new nose “not matching” with the rest of the face. In other words, the fear of artificiality and disharmony counts a lot when making the decision to do the plastic surgery in Delhi or not. In fact, there are cases out there of unsatisfactory results, in which the surgical procedure was probably not well planned and / or performed. But most of the time, if the surgery is performed correctly and by a specialized plastic surgeon in Delhi, the results are extremely happy and can greatly improve the quality of life for patients.

The Secrets of Naturalness
For the final appearance of the surgery to be as natural and beautiful as possible, it is essential to assess the characteristics of each patient's face, taking into account their ethnicity, the balance between the chin, the eyes, the shape of the face and even, family characteristics. Only in this way it is possible to outline an individualized surgical plan and propose changes that fit well in the profile expected by the patient.

How is Rhinoplasty done?
The step by step of nose surgery in Delhi includes, after anesthesia, the detachment of the skin of the nose and its adjacent structures, treatment of the nasal dorsum, correction (when necessary) of internal and external nasal deviations, remodeling of the cartilage of the nose. nasal tip, the placement of cartilage grafts for support and projection of the tip of the nose and the process of dressing and suturing the skin. In selected cases, it may be necessary to perform bone narrowing and remodeling of the nose, in addition to removing excess cartilage. Generally, for the patient's comfort during this surgery, general anesthesia is administered. However, only the plastic surgeon in Delhi can make the ideal choice of the anesthesia used, taking into account the patient's expectations and the characteristics of the surgery.

The external dressing is made with the use of a special micropore and a moldable piece of acrylic, placed on the nasal dorsum at the end of the surgery. It is important to follow the medical recommendations regarding the dressing, which has the basic function of protecting the nose and keeping it aligned, avoiding unnecessary edema. Contrary to what was done in the past, today we do not use an internal tampon in the postoperative period, as it is uncomfortable and prevents breathing through the nose. At Tandon Clinic, cosmetic surgeon in Delhi uses a device similar to a funnel, which fulfills the same role of helping with healing by allowing normal respiratory flow.

Important information!
It is essential that, during the preoperative medical evaluation, all the physical and functional aspects mentioned above are considered and evaluated, so that the surgical planning is successful. In addition, it is important to note that, although many patients already come to the clinic with high expectations and comparative examples of other people's noses, it is essential to take into account the individual nasal anatomy and facial characteristics in order to obtain harmonious and natural results. At Tandon Clinic we have a device capable of simulating the result of surgery.